Package Thieves Hit Ferndale Homes
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 24, 2013)
Several Ferndalians are reporting that packages delivered to their doorsteps have been snatched up by thieves. St. Louis, Beaufield and Leroy are among those streets where packages have come up missing.
Kim Hoxworth ordered her son’s Christmas present online, only to learn that when it came, it was taken off the porch of her St. Louis home on Monday.
“It happened today [Dec. 23] between 4 and 5,” she said. “My downstairs neighbors went to the door when their dog was barking incessantly and witnessed the two people and the vehicle.
“There was also another man who lives up the street who came out and hollered at them when he saw them pull over and a young woman jumped out and took a package from another home.”
Hoxworth posted information about the crime on Facebook, stating “The thieves were driving a flat-topped car (like an older Impala or Malibu) that was black on the top and white/silver on the bottom. Keep your eyes peeled if you’re expecting any packages delivered, and Ferndale Police ask that you call if you see a vehicle matching that description.”
Cases of package theft have been happening throughout Oakland County, including Royal Oak and Independence Township. Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputies are searching for a suspect caught on video there. However, the Ferndale incidents are unrelated as the suspect and vehicle descriptions do not match. In the St. Louis thefts, there was reportedly a black male and a black female involved, both in their late teens or 20s.
In Hoxworth’s case, the thieves did not come away with any expensive merchandise, simply a children’s toy that her son had wanted badly for the holiday. The online retailer she ordered from will replace the item, but that it cannot be delivered before Christmas. “What breaks my heart is that it’s the only thing he really wanted,” Hoxworth said.
To report suspicious activity, contact the Ferndale Police Department at (248) 541-3650.