Think Small Exhibition at Lawrence Street, Reception Dec. 6
(Lawrence Street Gallery Press Release, Nov. 25, 2013)
22620 Woodward Ave.
Suite A
Ferndale, MI 48220
Artwork no bigger than 12″ x 12″ x 12″
November 27 – December 20, 2013
Opening Reception – December 6, 2013
6-9 P.M.
Gallery Hours are Wed & Sat, noon to 5,
Thurs & Fri, noon to 9pm.
In December, the Lawrence Street Gallery hosts the Think Small Show 2013, an annual all media competition featuring works that are under 12 inches in all dimensions.
These small works invite the viewer to look closely and appreciate the details.
This year’s the juror is Deb Hyde, a native of Michigan and resident of West Bloomfield. She has been working as a fiber artist for about 12 years and has exhibited her work at juried art fairs throughout the country.
She has received numerous awards including Michigan Great Artist Award 2012 and has had solo gallery exhibitions in Michigan and at the Art Quilt Gallery in New York City.
Her work has been featured in Strut magazine and is currently featured in the Sept/Oct 2013 issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited.
Here are the winners of this year’s Think Small 2013 –
Best of Show
Rosedale Morning –
Brant MacLean,
Detroit, MI
Second Place
Eye Polar
Jonathon Downing, Carleton, MI
Third Place
Gothe & Seminol
Rosemary Lee,
Howell, MI
Honorable Mentions –
Keystone – Dennis Monteville,
Sterling Heights, MI
Reflections Unaquainted – Brenda Beena Shackleford, Roseville, MI
Paid Out – Larry Zdeb,
Troy, MI
This month, also presenting new works by gallery members.
For more information visit the LSG website at