40 Military Guests Celebrated, Honored at Berkley High (video)
(Berkley Schools Press Release, Nov. 11, 2013)
On Friday, November 8, 2013 students in the Berkley High School United States History classes along with faculty honored men and women of the military. More than 40 active duty and veterans joined the ninth grade students for a morning of conversation and entertainment.
The Berkley High School choirs, jazz ensemble and symphony orchestra entertained the guests, performing patriotic selections including the a cappella choir singing a medley of military anthems.
Superintendent Dennis McDavid welcomed the audience. “Thank you for your service to the country, to your community and for your willingness to come today and share that with our students,” he said.
“One of the things that we’re proud of in the Berkley School District is that we work really hard to provide unique and powerful experiences to our students, and your coming today to share your experiences is certainly among those. We really do appreciate you being here,” McDavid continued.
State Representative Ellen Cogen-Lipton shared with the audience the importance of the event. “As I walked in today to see this auditorium full of honored guests… I can’t describe the thrill and joy I felt in my heart. This was a vision shared by a committed group of teachers, and what they have done is just spectacular,” she said.
In addition to the performances, the morning events included an opportunity for BHS students to honor their loved ones on active duty. Students shared photos and stories about their brothers, uncles and aunts who are all serving.
Students from Tri-County Educational Center, a Berkley Alternative High school, spoke about their pen pal project with a troop stationed overseas. They shared the connection felt when the troops wrote back, happy to hear from home.
A highlight of the event included a honored guest, Michael D Greene, singing the National Anthem and God Bless America.
The morning concluded with military members meeting in small groups over breakfast with US History students to share their experiences while on duty, in battle, and overseas. Many brought medals, certificates and other honors to share with the students.
Jen Simone, US History Teacher, talked about the importance of bringing history alive for her students. “Military Appreciation Day is a way to bring real-life experience of historic events to our students. History happens to real people, not just in textbooks.
About the Berkley School District
The Berkley School District serves more than 4,500 students ranging in age from newborn through adulthood for people living in Berkley, Huntington Woods and a section of Oak Park. Student achievement and success are at the center of focus for the district. The Berkley School District’s mission is to guide, encourage and support each and every learner in the quest to realize his or her full potential. www.berkleyschools.org
BHS Military Appreciation Day 2013-final from Berkley Schools on Vimeo.