Register for Turkey Shoot Golf Event in Birmingham Nov 9
(City of Birmingham, Nov. 2, 2013)
What: 2nd Annual Turkey Shoot Golf Classic
When: Saturday, November 9, Shotgun start at 10 am
Where: Lincoln Hills Golf Course, 2666 West 14 Mile
Includes: 18 Holes of Golf (Walk) and Awards Dinner
Format: 2-Person Team
# 1 thru # 6 Scramble
# 7 thru # 12 Alternate Shot
# 13 thru # 18 Best Ball of Two
Cost: $30 per player
Support our food drive! Bring a frozen turkey and receive $10 off the entry fee! Bring non-perishable food items and receive $5 off the entry fee! All donations will go to Lighthouse of Oakland County.
Call (248) 530-1670 to register your team today! More info at