Which Sculptures Will Stay? Your Vote Helps DDA Decide
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 9, 2013)
The ARTWN exhibit is coming to an end, but the Downtown Development Authority is taking votes now to see which of the 11 public art sculptures are going to remain permanent fixtures here in Ferndale.
The sculptures were here as part of a two-year exhibit, with each one sponsored by a person or business. Fundraisers have helped the DDA get funding enough to keep two of the pieces of art. The question now is which.
Some votes were gathered at the recent ARTWN party, where attendees placed votes in paint cans labeled with the pieces. There are currently three ways to vote left between now and September 19.
1. Vote on facebook with a “like” for your preferred sculpture at the DDA’s Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151587558876238.1073741848.80390601237&type=1.
2. Vote with a paper ballot at the Ferndale DDA office at 149 W. 9 Mile.
3. Vote with a deposit of $$$ at ARTWN Cans. The cans are located at various businesses, and the locations can be found along with the photos at the DDA’s Facebook page. Dollar votes are worth twice as much as Facebook likes and paper votes.
The top vote-getters will make it into the “Final Five,” from which the two winners will ultimately be selected.