Woodward Ave. Taco Bell Closed for Rebuild
(Crystal A. Proxmire, March 14, 2013)
The Taco Bell at 21900 Woodward is closed so that owners can tear the building down and put a new one up. The project is expected to take approximately three months, according to site plans that were approved by City Council in November.
The rebuilt Taco Bell will feature new signage which confirms with current City of Ferndale code, outdoor seating areas, bike racks, rain gardens, and an upgraded facade of brick and stone.
There is still another Taco Bell nearby at 1045 W. 9 Mile. Once the rebuilding is complete at the Woodward location, this one will close for the same reason. Timing of the W. 9 Mile Taco Bell rebuild will coincide with the W. 9 Mile streetscape project beginning in June.
To read more about the upcoming W. 9 Mile construction and the changes it will bring to the streetscape, go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/2012/10/24/west-nine-mile-streetscape-project-approved/.
To learn more about the Taco Bell rebuilds, visit the City of Ferndale website and watch the Nov. 13, 2012 City Council meeting where plans were discussed and approved. The agenda contains links to the site plans for each location. http://ferndale-mi.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=347.