(Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 17, 2013)
Politics is the least popular topic for some in our community, but it’s also important. Sometimes the big corporate lobbyists and politicians like it to be dull and complicated so that you’ll be bored and apathetic. But it’s worth taking a little bit of time to understand how things are done, and speaking up when you see things you don’t like. Even just asking questions and learning more makes a difference in democracy. It’s all important.
So here are five bills that have been introduced in the State House this year. There are over 250 already introduced, and we strongly suggest you go to http://www.legislature.mi.gov/ and search around for bills that are on topics you care about.
After the five bills we feature, there will be a bonus link to reward your brain for all its hard work! The following have been introduced, but not voted on yet:
1.HB 4001 creates statewide, affordable standards for FOIA costs. Read more at http://www.legislature.mi.gov/%28S%28jqsqrv55o4rwux55bbc3s255%29%29/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2013-HB-4001&query=on.
2. HB 4011 seeks to limit the public and media’s access to 911 recordings by providing increased exemptions to their release. Read more at http://www.legislature.mi.gov/%28S%28jqsqrv55o4rwux55bbc3s255%29%29/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2013-HB-4011&query=on.
3.HB 4252 seeks to eliminate conditions of absentee voting, making it possible for any registered voter to vote early. This bill has several sponsors: Marilyn Lane – (primary)Douglas A. Geiss, Andy Schor, Gretchen Driskell, Harold L. Haugh, Charles Smiley, Jon Switalski, Sam Singh, John Kivela, Harvey Santana, Anthony G. Forlini, Amanda Price. Read more at http://www.legislature.mi.gov/%28S%28jqsqrv55o4rwux55bbc3s255%29%29/mileg.aspx?page=GetObject&objectname=2013-HB-4252
4. HB 4016 would give the Governor the right to remove County Executives in certain circumstances, such as misconduct, willful neglect of duties, and drunkenness. Read more at http://www.legislature.mi.gov/%28S%28jqsqrv55o4rwux55bbc3s255%29%29/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2013-HB-4016&query=on.
5.HB 4033 would mean that cities no longer would be require to place “legal notice” ads with local newspapers if they are posting them on their website or a digital media website that they designate as the “official” publication of record. This is a move that has historically been lobbied against by traditional print media, especially those who receive those paid legal notices as part of their ad revenue. However it will save cities money and reduce the conflict that could be caused by a city having such a relationship with one publication but not another. Read more at http://www.legislature.mi.gov/%28S%28jqsqrv55o4rwux55bbc3s255%29%29/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2013-HB-4033&query=on.
Bonus: Thanks for taking the time to learn about five of the many bills introduced so far this year. Get involved by contacting your representative through http://www.house.mi.gov/. Here is your bonus: now go look at funny stories at www.fark.com.