Getting Ready for Kindergarten 2013
(Ferndale Schools Fanout, Dec.9, 2102)
Parents in the Ferndale Schools community can learn about all of the Ferndale Schools’
Kindergarten options before making a decision about the best educational fit for their child.
The Ferndale Public Schools offer tours of the Kindergarten programs at both Roosevelt Primary and John F. Kennedy Schools.
Schedule a visit during one of our scheduled tours and meet the principals!
Roosevelt Tours, 8:30 a.m.
Dec. 19
Jan. 16, 30
Feb. 13, 27
Call to schedule: 248/548-1950
Coolidge Intermediate School Tours, 9:30 a.m.
Dec. 19
Jan. 16, 30
Feb. 13, 27
Call to schedule: 248/548-1950
Kennedy Tours, 9 a.m.
Jan. 9, 23
Feb. 6 (9 a.m.) and Feb 27 at (9 & 10 a.m.)
Call to schedule: 248/547-0880
There are several Kindergarten options in the Ferndale Schools. You’ll have several opportunities to visit and meet with our principals and teachers to determine the best fit for your child. Here are sample things to ask about when you tour for Kindergarten:
• Early Literacy programs
• Achievement records
• School atmosphere
• Parent involvement
• School routines
• Project-based instruction
• Opportunities for advanced students
• Special Education programming & services
• Music, Art & Physical Education opportunities
Other Opportunities to Plan for Kindergarten
If you are unable to attend a scheduled tour, the principals will be happy to meet with you at your convenience.
There is also a Kindergarten Information Night on January 9, 6-7:30 p.m. at Grant Early Childhood Center where parents and their children can meet with teachers and principals to see how they teach.
The All-District Extravaganza is a showcase event on Saturday, January 26 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., where parents can see teaching and learning activities from all district schools in one exciting venue.
Open Classroom Magnet Program & Enrollment Process Enrollment in the traditional program at Roosevelt is open year round. Enrollment in the Open Classroom magnet program at Roosevelt, Coolidge and Kennedy requires parents to enter the district’s annual magnet program lottery by February 28 each year. To participate in the magnet program lottery, kindergarten students must be district residents. Parents are required to attend building tours at both Roosevelt and Kennedy, and complete lottery application and enrollment forms in the Enrollment Office, 248-586-8686.
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