Bike Summit Planned for Dec. 12
(C. Proxmire, Nov. 15, 2012)
Complete Streets advocates are carrying on with plans that span several cities in SE Oakland County, with a Bike Summit planned for 7pm on Dec. 12, 2012 at the Royal Oak Public Library (222 East 11 Mile Road, downtown Royal Oak)
Residents and people who walk and bike through Berkley, Birmingham, Clawson, Ferndale, Huntington Woods, Oak Park, Royal Oak and Southfield are welcome and encouraged to attend to discuss what their needs may be, and how they can continue to push for them in their communities.
Community organizing such as this have already helped encourage complete streets plans in Ferndale, Berkley, Royal Oak, and other cities through Michigan, and helped gather data for potential multi-city bike routes.
At the Dec. 12th meeting there will be three guest speakers:
1. Todd Scott, Detroit Greenways Coordinator for the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance. Mr. Scott has helped bring millions of dollars of grant funds into the Detroit area to fund bicycle infrastructure and is a nationally-known expert on mapping bicycle routes.
2. Heather Carmona, Executive Director of the Woodward Avenue Action Association. Ms. Carmona was key in winning federal funding for the recent improvements to the Woodward-12 Mile intersection, is currently leading an 11-city effort to make Woodward Avenue a complete street from Detroit to Pontiac, and is helping to organize a Gran Fondo bicycle ride planned for next year.
3. Tom Dusky, Green Cruise coordinator for the Southeast Michigan Sierra Club. The Green Cruise is a celebration of non-motorized transportation held annually in Ferndale.
The meeting is sponsored by the Royal Oak Environmental Advisory Board, Huntington Woods Environmental Committee, Berkley Environmental Advisory Committee, Woodward Avenue Action Association, and the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance.
For more information check out the Bike Summit event page on Facebook at