Coach Fired After Texting 16 Year Old, Calling her “Sexy Girl”

(C. Proxmire, Oct. 15, 2012)

The Ferndale High Schools Girls’ Basketball Coach was fired on Oct. 1 after inappropriate texting was reported.

Ferndale Schools spokesperson Stephanie Hall said in an emailed statement “The Ferndale High School girls’ basketball coach was fired this week after a player and her parent met with the principal and reported receipt of inappropriate texts from him over the weekend. The coach had been the employee of an employment agency for the past two years and on the recommendation of the school district, has been released. As with all other public school workers in Michigan, this coach had undergone a criminal history background check prior to his employment.”

The girl and her parent also reported the incident to the Oak Park Police.  Because the student lives in Oak Park, and was there when she received the texts, it is their jurisdiction.  The behavior is not likely to be considered criminal, and the termination was made on ethical grounds.

Mike McConnell of the Daily Tribune spoke with Oak Park police about the incident.  In his Oct. 4article, McConnell wrote “Oak Park police said the girl sent out a mass text message to her phone contacts indicating she had a new phone number.

The coach responded that he got the message, referring to her as “sexy girl” in the text, police said.”

This is the second abrupt departure from that position in recent years.  Two years ago the prior coach was shot assassination-style at his home in Detroit, with no reports as to who or why.  http://oaklandcounty115.com/2010/10/08/coachkilled/