(Crystal Proxmire, Originally printed 4/26/2012, Issue 2017 – Between The Lines News – updated for Ferndale 115 June 9)
Spots are still available!
Ferndale Pride is setting a jovial pace for Father’s Day weekend activities. Not only will there be Ferndale Pride Market Daze, the Annual Dyke March, a balloon launch (with biodegradable balloons) and a new Light the Night event, there will also be the messiest and perhaps the merriest event of all: The Rainbow Run.
This 5k fun run will raise money for The Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce, The Ferndale Community Foundation, Affirmations LGBT Community Center, and Upstander, an anti-bullying program established by the Friendship Circle.
Unlike at other marathons, participants in the Rainbow Run will be showered in color as they run by a series of paint stations.
“The idea of throwing the color comes from a festival in India called the Holi Festival. Holi powder comes in a variety of vibrant colors and when you see the images of the people throwing it and covered in it, it looks like they were splattered by a rainbow,” explained Chamber Executive Director Jennifer Roosenberg.
She explained that quality Holi powder, such as the kind they are special ordering for the event, is made with 99% food grade corn starch and 1 % coloring agent. There is a slight chance the powder could stain clothing, so runners are advised to wear shorts they don’t mind getting stained. Runners will receive a commemorative shirt that is white, so the colors will show up well. Runners may spray their shirt with vinegar and iron them flat so as to retain the coloring of the Holi powder on their shirt.
Roosenberg is very excited for the new events coming to Ferndale for this year’s Pride, particularly their ability to boost the community’s economy and image. “The run gives us an opportunity to show off Ferndale to folks who have never been here or haven’t been here in a long time. So far, over 90 percent of the runners who have registered are from outside of Ferndale,” explains Roosenberg. “The route we chose weaves through some beautiful tree-lines streets, around a park, and starts and stops in the downtown. They’ll get a taste of why Ferndale is a nice place to live, play, shop, dine and work.”
Because of the silly nature of the run, those who wish to walk are welcome to and times will only be kept for fun. There is also a 2k course for children and more leisurely-paced adults.
The race costs $25 per person for the 5k run/walk and $15 per person for the 2k run/walk (only three colors will be thrown on this route). Participants must register in advance, as Holi powder must be ordered from India ahead of time. In the unlikely event that there are openings on the day of the run, the price will increase $5 for day-of-event registration.
For more information and to register online, go to http://www.Rainbow-run.com. Ferndale Pride is also accepting sponsors, booth rentals and volunteers. Booth rental is limited so make your reservations early. Get involved at http://www.ferndalepride.com.