Jill Manchik Hired as Recreation Director
(City of Ferndale Press Release, May 2, 2012)
Effective April 20, 2012, the City of Ferndale filled the Recreation Director position. Jillian Manchik, who was previously Interim Recreation Director, was promoted into this permanent position.
Jill Manchik started with the City of Ferndale in September of 2008 as a Recreation Supervisor. In this role, she managed all of the City’s recreation programming and scheduling. In October, she assumed the Interim Recreation Director position upon the departure of the Director. Prior to working for Ferndale, Jill worked as a Parks and Rec Program Specialist for the City of Parkland in Florida, and also worked as a Special Events Coordinator and Camp Director for the City of Richmond Parks and Recreation here in Michigan.
Jill has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Central Michigan University with a major in Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services Administration and maintains a current CPRP (Certified Park & Recreation Professional) certification. She is a member of MRPA as well as NRPA and is actively involved in maintaining relationships with neighboring communities to work collectively to provide exceptional recreational opportunities for our residents.
Jill’s passion is in Recreation, and she has interest in increasing the programming for Ferndale’s Recreation department as well as the involvement for adults and the youth within our community. “We are excited and confident in the skills and abilities that Jill brings to the table, and we look forward to her representing our community as the new Recreation Director,” said April McGrath, City Manager. “She has already stepped up during the interim and is managing well. We were fortunate to have such an outstanding internal candidate that could hit the ground running.”
Please visit www.ferndalerecreation.org for information on classes and programs for the summer. Also visit the City of Ferndale website at http://www.ferndale-mi.com/ for official City information.