Community Shares Pasta Meal to Benefit Rotary’s Work
(Proxmire, Ferndale 115 News, April 15, 2012 ed)
The Ferndale Rotary held their Annual Spaghetti Dinner on April 19, 2011 from 5pm to 8 pm at Blumz (503 E. 9 Mile). Money collected for the $10 tickets (Children age 5 to ten $5, under 5 Free) and auction item sales will go to help the Rotary with various community service projects including:
~SCHOLARSHIPS. Each year Rotary gives scholarships to students who are involved in the community.
~DONATING HELMETS FOR THE ANNUAL BIKE RODEO. Free helmets are given to children to keep them safe while they are riding. The annual event also offers bike licensing, bike inspections and fun for the kids.
~DNA KITS. Rotary purchases youth DNA kits for the Ferndale Police Department to distribute to parents who may want a DNA sample on hand of their children
~QUILTS OF VALOR. Rotary teams up with Quilts of Valor to provide servicemen and Veterans with handmade quilts in honor of their service. To read more about this, see
~ENDING POLIO. Around the world Rotary is known for eradicating polio with the spread of vaccination. The Ferndale Rotary, like all clubs, contributes dues which help finance this effort.
The Emory provided pasta and two different sauces; Shriner Silver Garden brought the salads; and desserts were from Peteet’s Cheese Cakes, Treat Dreams, and Dave’s Sweet Tooth Toffee.
To learn more about Ferndale Rotary, go to