It’s a Woman’s World: The Ringwald puts its twist on David Mamet’s scorching Speed-the-Plow
(Ferndale 115 News, March 15, 2012 ed)
Nearly twenty years after its premiere on Broadway (which starred Joe Mantegna, Ron Silver and Madonna in her stage debut), Speed-the-Plow, David Mamet’s intricate comedy about green-lighting films in Hollywood shows no need for Botox as it proves itself just as sharp and cutting as ever.
Producer Bobbi Gould (Jamie Warrow) must decide whether to give the go ahead to yet another bad action flick, scored by best friend Charlie Fox (Leah Smith), guaranteed to be a blockbuster or produce an earnest, apocalyptic novel, championed by sexy temp Karen (Kelly Rossi), that can greatly effect change but will almost certainly flop. A masterwork skewering of the film industry, Speed-the-Plow is an hilarious close-up of art being sacrificed to commerce in a market where, as Gould puts it, “it’s our business to make what everyone else was making last year.”
“Our production reverses the two lead actors from male to female,” notes Speed-the-Plow director Dinah Lynch. “Is it theatrical insurrection, originality or change? No. The history of the theatre charts the development of theatre 2500 years ago in a similar manner; all male casts perform both the male and female roles. It is only a few 100 years ago that women were permitted to perform onstage. We follow in the tradition of women in male roles: Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet (1900’s) and more recently Pat Carroll portrayed Falstaff to critical acclaim (1990’s). So too, our production breaks with theatre’s long standing history: women are cast in the roles depicted by men, Hollywood producers.”
Speed-the-Plow opens Friday, March 30th and plays through Monday, April 23rd at 8pm on Friday, Saturday and Monday nights with 3pm Sunday matinees.
Ticket prices are $20.00 for Friday and Saturday performances, $15 for Sunday shows, and Monday nights are HALF OFF the original ticket price at only $10 a ticket. Tickets can be purchased at or at the theatre box office. The Ringwald box office opens 45 minutes before performances and tickets can be purchased with cash or Visa/Mastercard.
The Ringwald opened their doors in May of 2007 with Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy. Quickly, The Ringwald became a mainstay of Detroit’s theatre community. Past Productions include:The Facts of Life: The Lost Episode, The Bad Seed, The Book of Liz, Rent, and Thank You for Being a Friend. Who Wants Cake? was named 2009 and 2012 Best Theatrical Troupe by Real Detroit and Best Place to See Local Theatre in 2009 and 2010 by the readers of Metro Times.
Bobbi Gould played by Jamie Warrow (Royal Oak)
Charlie Fox played by Leah Smith* (Detroit)
Karen played by Kelly Rossi (Detroit)
*Member, Actors’ Equity Association
Directed by Dinah Lynch (Ferndale)
TITLE PHOTO: Jamie Warrow is Bobbi Gould in David Mamet’s Speed-the-Plow playing at Ferndale’s Ringwald Theatre from March 30-April 23, 2012. Photo by Colleen Scribner.
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