Granholm Visits AJs in Ferndale for Booksigning
(Crystal A. Proxmire, 11/26/2011)
Sally Fedus of Plymouth was excited to see former Governor Jennifer Granholm and her husband Dan Mulhern again. She’d been volunteering for Granholm’s campaigns since she first became impressed with her back in 2000. But an even more exciting surprise came at the Nov. 25th book signing at AJ’s Café in Ferndale when she realized that her picture had made it in. “There I am, on page 173,” she said as she held up the copy of “A Governor’s Story” for the couple to autograph. The photo is of Granholm and her family surrounded by campaign volunteers.
“I was a volunteer coordinator. I worked the phones. Organized events. Stuffed envelopes,” Fedus said. “She impressed me as Attorney General and when I met her in person I felt so positive about her and her family, so I wanted to help.”
The eclectically-decorated café, which is known more for its spawning of liberal political movements and ultra-inclusive music scene than its meals, was packed with supporters and those looking for a signed copy of the book.
Even Mayor Dave Coulter came out to greet the former first family of the state. “I haven’t read it yet, because I knew she’d be coming to Ferndale and I wanted to buy it here,” he said. “I have close friends who work in her administration so I’ve gotten to know her and her staff well. I’m impressed with her intelligence, her vision and her integrity. There was not a sniff of scandal in eight years. People disagreed with some decisions, but no one can question her ethics.”
Some in the crowd had issues that were near and dear to their hearts. Ricardo Thomas is a retired schoolteacher from Detroit who has admired Granholm since her days of speaking at Michigan Education Association meetings about the importance of unions and education. “She did as well as she could with a Republican senate,” he said. “Education has changed a lot since [current Governor Rick] Snyder has been in office. Education isn’t a priority any more, and it’s a shame.”
Don Wiggins of Ferndale is a case manager in the housing department of a mental health agency. “My clients are people who are homeless. Many are disabled and there is this myth that people who are on social security have it easy, but that’s not true. If you work and you make ‘too much’ money, you have a monthly deductible. One woman I know brings home $976 a month in income, but she must spent $450 a month on her medical care before her benefits kick in. Others can’t even get help that need it. There are so many people who try to do things right, to better themselves, but the system is against them.”
Granholm and Mulhern spoke briefly about “A Governor’s Story” and the political climate of Michigan, before settling in to sign nearly a hundred copies of the book which were sold at the event.
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