Leaky Roof Destroys 500 Coats for Kids, Dino’s Steps In
On Tuesday November 1, 2011 (All Saints Day) Dino’s Restaurant & Lounge, located at 22740 Woodward Avenue in Ferndale, Michigan, will park their catering truck in front of the restaurant in attempt to fill it with new or gently used coats sized (boys and girls) small-XXL, to replace 500 coats that were destroyed when water came through a damaged roof and settled on this year’s supply of coats that were slated to be given to children who are housed at Oakland County Children’s Village shelter “Mandy’s Place.”
Mandy’s Place annually houses approximately 500 children who have been removed from their home due to abusive and/or neglectful family situations. Mandy’s Place is a temporary shelter for the children to feel safe and secure while they transition into foster care or other residential placement. Several children arrive annually with no belongs other than the clothes on their back.
Dino’s Lounge has been known in the past for being a strong supporter of many local and regional charities with fundraisers and last minute drives that benefit those in immediate need. “Our restaurant in located in a perfect spot to help collect coats to keep these kids warm this winter” says Dean Bach, owner of Dino’s Lounge. “A good friend asked if I would help and the only response for this is yes” says Bach. Dino’s will park their catering truck in front for the restaurant from 8 am until 8 pm on Tuesday November 1st and have volunteers standing on guard to collect coats from donors as they drive by on the northbound lanes of Woodward Avenue. Bach hopes to fill his truck “from top to bottom”.