Candidate Support Ads Now Available!
For $15 you can show support for your favorite candidates this election season. Much like buying a carnation-gram for your friends in those old high school fundraisers, candidate support ads are an inexpensive, fun, and friendly way to let neighbors know who you are voting for.
Your ad will appear in several places – thus increasing exposure for your candidate. It will be posted on this page, as well as on the Candidate’s Profile Page. (To see profile pages go to – It will also be posted on our Facebook Page. And closer to election we will be promoting this page, with all of the ads on it.
Individuals can purchase up to five ads per candidate during the campaign season. Friends and family are welcome, but candidates themselves may not purchase ads. Our policy is to allow equal access for all candidates. Support Ad sales help us to fund our non-politically-motivated coverage, and give readers a chance to help their candidates succeed.
We design each ad with a special picture from around town or with a picture of the person buying the ad. Please let us know if you have a preference. Pay using the PayPal button to the right or at the bottom of the page and indicate the candidate you want to show support for. The price is $15 per ad. ads will be posted within 72 hours of payment.
If you would like to pay with check, mail to Ferndale 115, PO Box 20293, Ferndale, Michigan 4822o. Contact Crystal A. Proxmire at with questions.
Thank you for being an active citizen and for supporting The Ferndale 115 News.