Ferndale’s Upcoming Green Events
(Crystal A. Proxmire, 7/5/2011)
The summer is full of events to educate and celebrate environmentally-conscious living. If you know of any that aren’t on this list, please email editor@ferndale115.com to let us know!
July 7 (Thursday) – Transition Ferndale. 6:30 pm Warrilow’s, 2140 Hilton (between 9 Mile and Woodward Heights). According to Transition organizer Art Myatt, “The main question, as usual, will be planning how to survive a declining economy and a degraded environment by building personal and community resilience.” The group will also discuss coordination for their ongoing film series, ways to increase visibility and involvement, and fundraising. There is no charge to attend the meeting, though members are welcome to purchase food or drinks. Transition Ferndale’s website is http://transitionferndale.wordpress.com.
July 12 (Tuesday) – The Ferndale Environmental Sustainability Commission presents “Landscaping with Native Plants & Wildflowers,” 6:30pm – 8:00pm at the Ferndale Library, 222 E. Nine Mile Rd. This free class encourages homeowners to use native landscaping techniques, and gives them the basics of how to do so.
July 15 – 17 (Friday-Sunday) 2nd Annual Live Green Fair, 9 Mile and Woodward in Downtown Ferndale. The 2011 Live Green Fair event will be organized into different sections designed to entertain and enlighten those pursuing an eco-friendly lifestyle. The sections include:
- The Green Home Show features home needs and energy conservation info
- The Free Veggie Taste Fair features twenty vegetarian and vegan options
- The Green Art section features environmentally-aware art and encourages healthy green living
- The Holistic Enlightenment section examines the spiritual aspects of green living
In addition to the green living sections, there will be three stages with plenty of speakers, live music and fun for the kids. Hours are: FRI 5p-9p , SAT 10a – 9pm, and SUN 12p – 5pm. Their website is http://www.livegreenfair.com.
July 21(Thursday)- ‘Transition Ferndale Documentary And Discussion Series’ Gasland (2010), 7pm, Hosted by Transition Ferndale at the Ferndale Public Library 222 E. 9 Mile. “Fracking” for natural gas is exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the gas industry is opposed to this loophole being closed – find out why. Check out the documentary’s website at http://www.gaslandthemovie.com.
August 13 (Saturday) Sierra Club Green Cruise, 8am-3pm, Downtown Ferndale. This annual event celebrates all non-fossil-fuel-burning modes of transportation. With large group bike rides, a green parade and time for vendors and activities, the Green Cruise is a day of family-friendly, earth-friendly fun. Check out their website http://michigan.sierraclub.org/semg/Green_Cruise.html for more information.
To read more environmental news, see our Green News Section.