School Board’s Two Projects…
The Board of Education held a special study session on Monday, May 9, 2011 to begin exploring two significant projects, a facilities improvement bond and the possible purchase of property.
The Board of Education held a special study session on Monday, May 9, 2011 to begin exploring two significant projects, a facilities improvement bond and the possible purchase of property.
Every year, the national organization, the Character Education Partnership recognizes schools for achieving its standard of excellence encompassing 11 Principles of Effective Character Education through its National Schools of Character program.
In 2011, Roosevelt Primary School has been recognized for being a school that brings out the best in everyone, including students, staff, parents and community members through its school-wide Brain-Smart Start program.
Downtown Ferndale will be buzzing next Third Thursday and into May’s third weekend with back to back activities that embrace two of the district’s best features – bikeability and walkability.
“The filing deadline for Library Board candidates expired at 4:00pm, today,” said Ferndale City Clerk Cherilyn Tallman in a statement released on May 10, 2011. “We will have no contests for any of the five open seats. That means we will not have an August Primary.”
Here is the official candidate list,
Sixteen year old Scott May was at school when his bike was stolen. “I was at soccer practice and I came out and it was gone,” he said. May was one of ten Ferndale youth who got to have their stolen bikes replaced thanks to a fundraiser organized by officers of the Ferndale Police Department.