Beyond Ferndale: Mitten Movie Project
(FERNDALE VIEW, Hailey Zureich, 4/22/2011)
Venturing out of Ferndale is not often my cup of tea, but for the sake of art…and seeing myself on the big screen I ventured down to Burton Theatre in Detroit to check out the April edition to the Mitten Movie Project.
Mitten Movie Project is a host of a celebration for independently made trailers, animations, shorts, and videos- the vast majority being based in the metro Detroit area. Perhaps my favorite thing to see, other than my stunning performance as goofy-real estate agent in “The Mystery Word”, was spotting a glimpse of Ferndale’s DIY festival used as the back drop for the cleverly named “Ménage-Detroit.”
Through-out the other films were the distinct locations, products, sounds, and nature of the metro Detroit area.
Really speaking to the new energy of Detroit was the short documentary “Shifting Gears: Going Green in the Motor City” which highlighted the green product and recycling movement.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about this event is seeing the creators/casts in the film industry centered in a single room supporting what they do, have done, and will hopefully have the opportunity to continue to do.
There were seventeen shorts to enjoy, for a meager $7. Icing on the cake was the opportunity to pick the creative minds of the cast, and crew of these films- or to simply tell them how much you loved their four minute and fifty second bit.
Venturing out turned out to be just the ticket for my Tuesday night
I sincerely look forward to the next Mitten Movie Project Tuesday May 3.
Learn more about Mitten Movie Project by checking out their Facebook page at
For more Film Industry stories, see our special section at
Beyond Ferndale is our special section dedicated to stories outside the City Limits but still close to our hearts. We especially hope to encourage Ferndalians to share their adventures and the things they learn with the rest of the community. For submission guidelines go to