Dennis Says No to Parking Fees for
Nonprofit Events
(A Ferndale View by Dennis Hoeppner)
(Read at City Council Call to Audience Feb 14, 2011)
At the January 24th Council meeting the Council brought up a parking meter issues. Councilwoman Piana was worried that the City was not charging for the meters on an even basis. Well, she is right in a sense. If it is a for-profit group blocking the meters, then charge them. If it’s a non-profit organization blocking the meters, don’t charge them.
My reason for this rationale is this. All the money that a for-profit group takes in goes into their pockets. All the money that a nonprofit takes in goes to charity. Which brings me to the Rib Tent in the parking lot behind Dino’s on February 5th. Dean Bach [owner of Dino’s Lounge and organizer of the annual Rib Burn Off] was correct in stating that the extra people at the Rib Cook Off brought in more people on a Saturday afternoon, even with the snowstorm, but that’s not my point. My point is that for every dime in fees that you charge a nonprofit organization is money you take away from a charity, in this case The Ferndale Youth Assistance and Midwest AIDS Coalition.
To view the Jan. 24, 2011 City Council meeting, go to
To read more about the Rib Burn Off check out our two previous stories:
For other “Ferndale Views” (opinion pieces) go to: