A Heart Attack at 35 With No Insurance!
FernCare Discussion Feb. 19
When Hazel Park resident Angel Counts had a heart attack at the age of 35, she and her 13-year-old son learned first hand what it is like dealing with a medical emergency without having health insurance.
How did she know she was having a heart attack? What happened when she went to the hospital? What has she done since? Could this happen to you?
These questions and more are now incorporated into her presentation “A Heart Attack at 35 and NO Insurance!” which she will be giving as part of FernCare’s Let’s Talk Health Community Discussion series. The talk and discussion is free to the public. It takes place Saturday, Feb. 19, 2011 from 10:30am-11:30am at the Kulick Community Center at 1201 Livernois.
“Angel is a dynamic speaker and now, quite informed on heart health,” said FernCare Board President Ann Heler. “She is local and down to earth about her experience and what she and her family went through.”
FernCare is a free medical clinic serving individuals between the ages of 19 and 64 without insurance. In addition to providing free health care, the volunteers who founded FernCare have been committed to providing the public with resources to encourage good health. To view these resources and get information about the clinic go to www.ferncare.org.
Since 2009 FernCare has done Let’s Talk Health Discussions on a variety of topics. An example was one on Asthma in Dec. 2009. For other Health stories, check out https://oaklandcounty115.com/category/health-news.
Please contact Denise Lillvis at dlillvis@ferncare.org for more information regarding Angel’s presentation and the Let’s Talk Health series.