The Future of Ferndale Schools
(A Ferndale View by Emily Clear Murray)
We went to a Ferndale Public Schools Meet and Greet today, and we were so happy that we went. We have been wondering about the quality of Ferndale schools ever since we moved here 6 1/2 years ago, and today we have decided that there is no question that we want Jack to go to Ferndale schools. They sound fantastic!
All of the parents there are thrilled with their experiences in the schools. It’s so exciting! I love the sense of community we have here in Ferndale, and it’s even stronger with the families with school age children. It really sounds like parents are super involved in the schooling of their kids here, and I think that is so important.
I truly believe in the “it takes a village” kind of mentality and I love that we have found that here in Ferndale. I think the support of the parents here is amazing, and as much as I don’t want to send Jack off to school, I’m excited to be a part of such a tight, strong community. We realized that we really should be seriously thinking about preschools now, since some of them have waiting lists.
Jack got this t-shirt today, it’s a little big on him. He’s calling it his dress.
Emily Clear Murray lives in Ferndale and owns No Pins Required, a boutique with cloth diapers and a variety of parenting needs that focuses on the most natural products available. Find out more at
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