FernNet Connects Downtown Business Owners
(Crystal A.Proxmire)
One a month the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) organizes a networking meeting for business owners and managers called FernNet. The meetings take place at various Downtown businesses, and give attendees a chance to share their hopes, dreams, questions, and knowledge about how to make it in the small business world.
On Sept. 29 there were about 20 people at the FernNet meeting held at Salon Rehe (205 E. 9 Mile). Each meeting features a speaker and also highlights the venue hosting the event. Salon Rehe recently moved into their current location from a spot on Woodward Avenue, and the Rehe family was on hand to show off the new place.
Sam Davis of GoSmallBiz.com presented information on how their online service package can help small business owners with anything from legal consulting to business planning to public relations. GoSmallBiz.com is a national online company, with Davis doing sales out of Royal Oak. He spoke for about 15 minutes on what his company had to offer.
Others at the meeting were also able to introduce themselves, share something about their business, and make requests of other attendees. Michelle Lewis of Painting with a Twist was there to invite everyone to come out and try their special one-evening painting creation classes. Carol Jackson talked about her various business ventures including doing sales for Blumz, financial planning services, and Bits n Pieces small business insights. Jay McMillan promoted his cleaning services and the guys from the upcoming MiChigo Pizza also stopped in to check out FernNet.
“FernNet is for Downtown businesses to meet and cross-promote each other, and to figure out ways to grow together,” said Cristina Sheppard-Decius, Executive Director for the DDA. “We’re not only here as a promoter of the Downtown, the DDA is really here for economic development, and reaching out for resources to help you, as a business owner, succeed.”
The nest FernNet meeting will be held Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010 from 9-10 am at a place yet to be determined. Please check the Ferndale DDA website at www.downtownferndale.com for more information on this and other DDA events and services.